Homeschooling Tips for Young Children

Parents who are considering home schooling their young child, sometimes get confused about initiating the process. There are some standards that a parent should set, before beginning home schooling for their young child. A Home school should not be drudgery or parents would never captivate the childs attention for long, to teach him anything important. Given below are some tips that hopefully will help home schooling parents and kids alike: Dont make the curriculum a dictator. It is not necessary that your child should do every exercise mentioned in the book.

A parent should focus on whatever the child does, since he learns via the fun he has. Make the more formal lessons like spelling and math, short and teach them with examples. Dont leave the child with the exercise for too long. Monitor the child during the exercise, as much as possible. Help your child with the writing, since children do not like to write too much.

Many parents discover that children can think much more if someone is there to help them write out their thoughts. It is imperative for parents to let the child develop at his own speed. Dont burden the kid with too much, too soon.

Switch off the TV during lessons. This will give your child the opportunity to learn and explore more. Encourage the child to explore what interests him the most. Take the child to the local library. You can also build a small library of your own, with colorful books on math, spelling and interesting stories. Develop a methodical process to teach your child.

Start with easy things and then go on to explain the difficult concepts. If you start the spelling session with Arsonist instead of Apple, your child will definitely not be able to grasp. Always remember, all work and no play will make your child dull. Allow him to indulge in an activity that he loves.

Find out what interests your child the most, it could be reading a story or listening to cassette-recorded stories or playing with building blocks or modeling clay. There are different ways to learn. For example, simply by touching things, the meaning of Kinesthetic could be highlighted. Listening could help learn the meaning of Auditory, while watching a cartoon or reading could highlight the meaning of Visual. These three, Kinesthetic, Auditory and Visual are aids in the learning process. Children can adopt any of the styles or they can use a combination of all three, unless of course if they are physically disabled.

As a parent, you can increase the speed of learning as well as memory by adapting the lessons and curriculum to the childs learning style. Different educational material appeals to different learners. Workbooks, flashcards, matching games, instruction charts and books appeal to visual learners. Songs and rhymes and instruments please auditory learners and model kits, puzzles, typing and gardening etc are preferred mode of learning for kinesthetic learners.

Try the different educational material available, while teaching your kid. Never compromise with their education and make sure that you dont purchase anything that you cant return.

Shocking news about Homeschooling Online free (must read) information for all parents. Learn about getting your fully accredited by the DETC(Distance Education and Training Council) High School Diploma Online

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